Friday, February 7, 2014

Preview New Austrian Death Machine!

It's been almost exactly a year since the successful crowd funding campaign of Austrian Death Machine's new album Triple Brutal and while the delay is most definitely related to the whole mess of a situation Tim Lambesis got into, it's good to see that the album is finally going to see the light of day. After getting a real mastering session done in August last year the album is slated to be released April 1st. I can't imagine this ending up to be a giant April Fools Joke, I would venture Tim doesn't want any more negativity around him, and that this release date just coincides with the comical nature of the project itself.

A good sign of it's actual being released though is that we have a song preview for the track 'I'll Be Back':

This is the first new material we've heard from Tim in a while and it's good to see something not trial related about him in the news.

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